Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Vinyl interventions concept

Multiple Personalities

Vandals or visionaries

There is a big difference between street art and vandalism; with street art, you can bring attention to something urgent in the community with a passive and engaging medium. Not very many people go to art museums or galleries where art is traditionally presented. The artist can also utilize a normal space and use it to create something clever, transforming the space and generating thought in the viewer.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

My so called opinion

If I'm gonna be completely honest, I didn't get the point of this article. Either my illiteracy got the better of me or the author was trying to hard to convey their point; but what I got from it is although us "millennials" are more accepting of new ideas, we are too critical. In some ways I see the negative point as a good thing, not being critical and thinking through the information presented to us leads to apathy and ignorance. This is all part of our independence and drives us forward as a generation.

Mythical Animal

Saturday, September 9, 2017

New design, drew up the one side and was playing around with the idea of having blood or flames behind the bat. 

I ended up going with both and traced the one side and mirrored it, wondering if the flames should be red or green.