Tuesday, November 14, 2017

video artist

Phil Tippett is a stop motion animator who has worked on fils such as Star Wars IV-V, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, the Robocop trilogy, and many more hollywood films. Currently, He has been working on a personal stop motion film series: Mad God. Since 1990, Phil has been creating figures, sets, and filming it all to create his dream project.

Mad God website: http://watch.madgodmovie.com/

One of my favorite living artists is Olivier de Sagazan, a french sculptor, painter, and performance artist. He covers himself in clay, powder, and paint to transform himself in a continuous performance piece.

Olivier de Sagazan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gYBXRwsDjY

Both of these artist use film to capture their dark and spooky vision of life and form. They don't share the same work style, but both put their heart and soul into their work to convey the haunting and abnormal.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Live action/ stop motion response

Kara Walker's video was intriguing and haunting; the music, cuts, and motion felt at home with early forms of film. This feels like it belongs to a victorian period, but the subject matter of the atrocities of the slave trade and american slavery would not be portrayed at the time what so ever. The use of puppets being animated in real time allowed for a captivating performance and the allowance of more outcome being created with less invested time, in the sense that it takes a great deal of work to to create stop motion with a minimal outcome.

The stop motion videos, however, were more upbeat and entertaining. The use of taken frames being cut together to create motion allows for seamless transitions of changing objects. The best example of this is in the PES short, where one baseball is chopped into dice and those are "chopped up" into smaller dice simulating the dicing of onions. A lot of time and work are put into these shorts and it shows in the runtime and the captivating outcome.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

propaganda ideas

I'm not very good at concept sketches but these are the slogans I'm thinking of using

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Vinyl interventions concept

Multiple Personalities

Vandals or visionaries

There is a big difference between street art and vandalism; with street art, you can bring attention to something urgent in the community with a passive and engaging medium. Not very many people go to art museums or galleries where art is traditionally presented. The artist can also utilize a normal space and use it to create something clever, transforming the space and generating thought in the viewer.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

My so called opinion

If I'm gonna be completely honest, I didn't get the point of this article. Either my illiteracy got the better of me or the author was trying to hard to convey their point; but what I got from it is although us "millennials" are more accepting of new ideas, we are too critical. In some ways I see the negative point as a good thing, not being critical and thinking through the information presented to us leads to apathy and ignorance. This is all part of our independence and drives us forward as a generation.

Mythical Animal

Saturday, September 9, 2017

New design, drew up the one side and was playing around with the idea of having blood or flames behind the bat. 

I ended up going with both and traced the one side and mirrored it, wondering if the flames should be red or green.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

  1. Who are you? My name is Joseph Moreira (I go by Joe).
  2. Where are you from? I am from Blue Bell, Pa but I lived in Fort Lauderdale for about 8 years.
  3. Tell me something interesting about yourself? I am an aspiring tattoo artist.
  4. What kind of art do you like to make? 3D sculptures and tattoo designs, but I also enjoy painting. 
  5. What apps/programs do you use most frequently and what for? Instagram/pinterest for inspiration.
  6. Who is your favorite artist? H R Giger.
  7. Who is your favorite musician? I don't have one but I enjoy rock 
  8. What do you hope to get out of this class? I hope to learn how to use photoshop 
  9. Can you sit still for an hour? If I bring a straight jacket.
  10. What is the relationship between computers and visual studies? I believe computers have the tools to make it easy to manipulate different design concepts to a picture. You can go back and forth on what color something should be with ease, comparing that to a real life oil painting it is more difficult to change the color of something without having to add and remove paint physically. 
  11. What is your experience with Photoshop, Illustrator and Premiere? I have no experience. 
  12. Do you have a computer at home?  If so does it have Photoshop and Illustrator? Mac or PC? I have a MacBook Pro and i do not have Photoshop or Illustrator.
  13. Grady woke up to himself biting down hard on his tongue, it was a violent reaction to a nightmare he was having but one he couldn't remember. As he was getting ready for work, he noticed he ran out of deodorant the previous day and had forgot to buy a new stick. Later that day he was waiting an unusually long tome for the train, then he realized he missed the train. Fed up with having a throbbing tongue, smelling like a gym locker room, and being late to work he shouted out "What else could possibly go wr--" Grady just bit his tongue again.